Joy Ride Sailing

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Birthday Girls

Today’s post has absolutely nothing to do with sailing, or business, or even Costa Rica.

Today’s post is all about bragging. Yup. I’m going to be a proud momma and tell you all about my beautiful baby girls. For those of you who don’t know this…I have four wonderful children…three of whom I gave birth to.

Micheal, Chris’s son from his previous marriage is the eldest of the bunch, then comes my son Josh (the father of my amazing grandson). After Josh comes Sierra, who turned 23 yesterday, and then last but not least is Shaelynn who turns 21 today.

Yes, you read that right, my two girls are exactly two years and 1 day apart, and yes…the poor girls have been subjected to joint birthday parties for most of their lives.

It’s just so much easier to lump the parties together…sorry girls, I’m going to do it one more time and brag about both of you at the same time.

First we have Sierra… she is strong and fierce, athletic and stubborn. Given the right opportunity, this girl could rule the world. She is independent and awe-inspiring and she is currently completing the practical portion of her Nursing Certificate.

Here she is…

Then there is my baby girl, Shaelynn. She is shy but warm, silly and witty, she is velvet with a steel core. She doesn’t want to rule the world…she wants to save it, one person at a time…

Here she is…

I had so much fun digging through old files to find these photos! It’s a wonderful way to celebrate my babies when I am too far away to do so in person. I am perpetually amazed to have created such unique and stupendous women.

I’m sure that I made many mistakes as a mom…but I must have gotten something right!

Happy Birthday Sierra!

Happy Birthday Shaelynn!

I will stop embarrassing you now (until next year)

All my love, my pride and my wonder…
